Cow Creek Housing Needs Assessment

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Housing Needs Assessment

Project Profile

The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians

Project Location:
Roseburg, Oregon

Project Time Frame:
June 2023 - TBD


  • Household Surveys

  • Focus Groups and Interviews

  • Analysis of Existing and Newly Collected Data

Areas of Focus:

  • Demographics

  • Housing Conditions, Needs, and Preferences

  • Income and Finances

Project Description

The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians are located in southwestern Oregon and were one of the first two tribes to secure a treaty with the United States in the mid nineteenth century. Although they never received the reservation they were promised, their people remained in their homelands and continued to meet and hold council as their ancestors had always done. Today, the Tribe is buying back its land and operating various business enterprises for the economic development of the Cow Creek Tribe and the communities in which they live.

The Cow Creek Housing Needs Assessment will help Cow Creek quantify its housing needs by answering two key questions:

  1. What are the Housing Needs (of Membership) both inside and outside of the Seven County Service Area?

  2. What are the housing needs and what demand exists for housing in Roseburg?

Two household surveys will be distributed to collect data for analysis and reporting. Additionally, the project aims to uncover the quantity and type of housing needed, develop a map of all membership and quantify the number of members within each of the counties of the service area, and interview housing experts and planners within Tribe and Roseburg to determine data sources and possibilities for development. The Cow Creek Band can use the collected information to guide program and project management in the future.